Friday, February 27, 2015

Take Back Your Life Series, Part IV—Letting Things Die: Overcoming the Spirit of Pharaoh

Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God’s right hand. Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth. For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God. And when Christ, who is your life, is revealed to the whole world, you will share in all his glory.  So put to death the sinful, earthly things lurking within you. Have nothing to do with sexual immorality, impurity, lust, and evil desires” (Colossians 3:3-5 NLT).

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.  See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?” (Isaiah 43:18-19)

But Jesus told him, “Anyone who puts a hand to the plow and then looks back is not fit for the Kingdom of God”  (Luke 9:62 NLT). 

“The enemy boasted, ‘I will chase them and catch up with them.
I will plunder them and consume them.  I will flash my sword; my powerful hand will destroy them.’   But you blew with your breath, and the sea covered them.  They sank like lead in the mighty waters.   Who is like you among the gods, O Lord—glorious in holiness, awesome in splendor, performing great wonders?  You raised your right hand, and the earth swallowed our enemies (Exodus 15:9-12 NLT).

Then the Lord told him, “I have certainly seen the oppression of my people in Egypt. I have heard their cries of distress because of their harsh slave drivers. Yes, I am aware of their suffering. 8 So I have come down to rescue them from the power of the Egyptians and lead them out of Egypt into their own fertile and spacious land. It is a land flowing with milk and honey—”     (Exodus 3:7-8 NLT).

Truth is, I am quite the hoarder.

No, no! Please, let me finish.

It’s true.

After years of going around in circles, in certain areas of my life, The Lord brought me to a place where I can shut down any lingering self-deception and admit it:

I am quite the hoarder.

And I’m not talking about one of those hoarders from that show, on A&E, Hoarders, during which viewers get to gag at how people live under piles of garbage, along with ten stray animals, a few dusty kids, and a disgusted spouse, who is ready to bounce. 

No, my hoarding is a bit different.  And a lot more detrimental as a Christian who is supposed to be allowing the Lord Almighty to cleanse me, sanctify me, and develop me into who He wants me to be.

I am talking about the hoarding of the past.  Yes, that’s right.  I tend to hoard everything from useless memories of failure, to failed friendships, to ideas that never came to pass, to issues I have with people.

And that issue is exactly what allowed Satan his access into various areas of my life for years.  Yes! Even after I got saved and filled with the Holy Ghost.  Even after I would continually pull down those demonic strongholds in my life, the enemies of God would return and I couldn't figure out why.  But Satan knew.  Yes, Satan knew that hoarding—or holding on to things of the past—was a sure way allow demonic doorways to keep opening and reopening.  Worse than that, my "hoarding" sometimes hindered my growth in Christ.
I am not going to say it made my progress as a Christian impossible, because Luke 1:37 tells me that nothing is impossible with God.  Yet, because of our own free will, and because God refuses to force me to allow Him full control, Satan knew that I was holding on to things God had removed, or wanted to remove.  Those things I held on to, were the exact things the enemy kept using against me.

“But how, Vacirca?”

Satan knew that holding on to the past could make the process of transformation and sanctification—essentially deliverance—a slow, painful, repetitive process.  Just like the Israelites who could have crossed over into the promise land in forty days, rather than forty years, Satan—along with the help of my flesh—definitely wanted to delay my deliverance.  The two worked hand-in-hand to keep me from experiencing God’s promise to transform me by the renewing of my mind (Romans 12:12).  My holding on to baggage definitely slowed down the process of being made into the image of Christ, from glory to glory, by the Spirit of God, (2 Corinthians 3:18).

Satan knew that I wasn’t willing to let go and let certain things die—or stay dead after God had killed them—and it was one of the ways he kept me in bondage for years.  I can’t blame it all on the enemy.  God had to minister to me about the ways that holding on to the past, while refusing to release that which God has shown is not for me, could limit my ability to move forward into my God-ordained destiny.  Not only that, but whenever the Lord did go ahead and remove something from my life, by closing a door, on that person, place, or thing, my knocking on that door allowed that thing to slowly creep back into my life, in order to destroy what God had for me.

I know I seem like I am repeating myself, but I feel led to make sure that if you missed the point in one sentence, you will surely get it in the next...or next sentence.  It's a matter of life or death.

Truth is, there are many ways we can hold on to things.  In fact, there are many things we can hold on to in many ways.  Even as I share what God ministered to me about in my own life, I pray the Holy Spirit allows you to identify any dead thing you are keeping on life support in your own life.  I will go on to share a couple of the areas that I was keeping alive, and how doing so impacted me, but please let the Lord search your hearts to determine if any of what I share relates to anything in your life—especially in section 2!  

As for me, God had to reveal to me, through various circumstances, teachings, and events, that not only was I refusing to let things die that needed to be long-buried, but that the enemy was coming against me to keep me in bondage to things of my past.  He revealed to me that I was under attack by the enemy and his demons.  One of those demons, the Spirit of Pharaoh was operating in my life, and he definitely had to go!

What is the Spirit of Pharoah?

Before we dive further into these waters, I want to briefly take a look back at a very familiar account in the Bible, during which the personification of this spirit called “Pharaoh” was first detailed for the Church of God. 
In the Book of Exodus, we are told the story of the deliverance of the Israelites out of the enslavement they faced in Egypt.  Although the entire journey of the Israelites, from bondage to freedom, seemed to be nearly impossible, we see our God, in all His glory, as He used His great power to deliver His people in order to fulfill His promises.  We read of how God called 80-year-old Moses, a fugitive-in-hiding from the land of Midian, and sent him back to Egypt.  God commanded Moses to lead His people out of their slavery (Side Note: that shows that we’re never too old, or too late, for God!) Together with Aaron, Moses obeyed the Lord and returned to Egypt to fulfill the call of God on his life—a call that had been delayed more than 40 years, by the way.
But, of course, there was a Pharaoh in the way! Pharaoh was an ungodly and proud man, who ruled over the Egyptians, as well as the enslaved Israelites, without an ounce of humility or compassion.  When Moses and Aaron approached Pharaoh to demand the Israelites be released from bondage, Pharaoh refused.  In spite of many plagues sent against Egypt, by the One True God, as far as Pharaoh was concerned, no man, and no other God, was going to tell him what to do!  He was determined to continue to enslave the people, and continued to operate with a hardened heart to the point of bringing great calamity to his land and losing his own child in the process.
I don’t think it’s right giving the whole story away because I do want urge you to read the entire Book of Exodus, on your own, during your Bible study.  What I will say further, to finalize my little summary, is that Pharaoh, and the spirit he was operating under, represented the “stumbling block” to the release of the children of God from bondage.  Whenever Moses and Aaron petitioned him to let the Israelites go, he treated God’s command as a big joke.  Pharaoh did not care that the Israelites were the children of the Most High God--the same God who continued to plague his land.  Pharaoh did not care that his magicians were no match for that God.  What Pharaoh cared about was keeping God’s children enslaved—no matter what!
Just like Moses (along with Aaron) had a call on his life, placed by God, Pharaoh, had a call on his life too.  He was on assignment from the devil to destroy the children of God.  And although that Pharaoh is long-dead, and most likely dealing with the eternal judgment of God, we children of God must continue to contend with the Spirit of Pharaoh to this day.  The enemy clearly continues to send that Spirit of Pharaoh to keep the children of God from moving on into their promised land.
You see, just so we are all on the same page, that spirit that was present in the Pharaoh of Exodus is the same spirit that brings up all the “pharaohs” in our daily lives today.  And that spirit is a dangerous spirit.  This is what the Lord has taught me so far through various scriptures, research, sermons, and revelations right from the Spirit of God: 
1)   “Pharaoh” means destroyer or curtailer; also means the king, mouth of the sun, or "the sun." 
2)   The spirit of Pharaoh is a strongman--a principal demon controlling a person, family, place, or thing to the point of great bondage. This spirit has one purpose: to prevent the enslaved from every being free.  As a curtailer, he curtails your spiritual, physical, financial, marital blessings, and all freedom that will enable you live your full potential for the Lord. The Spirit of Pharaoh is a very stubborn spirit that not only likes to see people in bondage, but is on assignment from Satan to keep them that way.  
3)   The spirit of Pharaoh is a destiny terminator.  The first Pharaoh depicted in Exodus was operating under that spirit when he gave instructions that all male children of the Israelites must die.  In fact, the baby Moses was going to be eliminated, but for God’s intervention.
4)   Speaking of destiny termination, this spirit of Pharaoh is the spirit that destroys kids with divine leadership potentials.
5)   It is a spirit that puts one to task: the task of working hard, but living below the poverty line; the task of marital distress even after so many attempts to work things out--along with other failed relationships (i.e family relationships, needed friendships and business partnerships); the task of doing all that you can to move forward only to find yourself in a worst position when it is all said and done--(see Exodus 5:1-13 when Moses simply asks for the Israelites to be given three days off to worship God; Pharaoh sent taskmasters to increase their labor and remove the resources the Israelites needed to fulfill their tasks to make their work harder!).
6)   It is the spirit behind hardened enemies. Pharaoh’s heart was so hardened that the Lord had to bombard him with ten plagues, and even after the ten plagues, he still pursued the Israelites.  It is the strongman leading an evil army against the people of God. If you have dreamt of a crowd coming to fight against you, the leader of that crowd is the spirit of Pharaoh.
7)   It represents enemies who want to re-capture us and bring us back to "Egypt"-whatever person, place, or thing that enslaved us. By the grace of God, we have left Egypt. Whatsoever wants to grab a Christian and take him back to Egypt is from the Spirit of Pharaoh, and should be resisted with all the energy at the person's disposal.
8)   It represents enemies that are insulting our God. You know when Moses went to Pharaoh and said, “Let my people go,” Pharaoh said, “Who is the Lord? I know not the Lord.”  However, he knew the Lord when he got to the Red Sea! (**This is what will happen to your Pharaoh today, in the name of Jesus, when you self-deliver yourself in prayer, praise God!).
      9)   It is the one of the spirits that gets people to employ sorcerers and magicians        against us. They say, “Catch this person,” or  “spoil this marriage,” or "make          this child rebellious,” or “wreck this business” and so on and so forth.  It                represents arrogant enemies that say, "I can do anything I want to do against        you and there is nothing you can do about it." The spirit of Pharaoh is any spirit      that challenges your God by magic, witchcraft, sorcery, and divination.  It is          also the spirit that challenges any man or woman of God who is working by the      Holy Spirit to set people or communities free from bondage.  When the Spirit of      Pharaoh is coming against God's ministers, it is often in conjunction with the          Spirit of Jezebel (1 Kings 18-19).

10) It represents spiritual exploiters which use other people’s labor for their own advantage and advancement. Pharaoh held the Israelites for over 400 years and put them under hard labor.  It represents hard slave masters who convert people to captives.  It is that spirit who will cause you to do all the work at your job/career, while someone else prospers and reaps the benefits, without your ever getting the promotion, credit, payment, or accolades God would have you to receive for your prosperity (refer back to #5).

11) It is any stubborn spirit that chases you around, anywhere you go, to bring you back to bondage.  It is that ex-boyfriend--your first love that you still wonder about--whom you used to party with, who only shows up when you're finally dating a Godly, responsible man; suddenly you miss the "excitement" (aka DRAMA) the crazy first boyfriend brought you.  All of a sudden, the decent, stable, Christian brother, who wants to marry you, and help raise your son, has been renamed "boring."  That spirit is also in that "one way out issue" that forces you back into stripping or selling drugs to make a fast buck, since your car suddently needs a new engine and your mom needs surgery she cannot get what I'm saying.   

How Does the Spirit of Pharaoh Operate in Our Daily Lives Today?
As I said earlier, the Lord had to not only show me that the Spirit of Pharaoh was operating in my life, especially in my refusal to let things die, but the Lord had to show me how. 

There are always many things I can pinpoint, but for today, I am going to focus on three main areas where there was a “pharaoh” operating in my life. My goal here, however, is not to vent, but to share examples, with my reads, so that you all can apply them to your own life;  I pray God will lead you to determine if you need deliverance from this issue as I did.  

So as you read about me, ask yourself, “Do I have a “pharaoh” in my life?”

I.            Relationships

There are many ways in which I refused to let things die in the "relationships" area 
of my life, but for the sake of keeping this a blog, rather than a novella, I will choose
one example that God had to teach me about recently.   

Many years ago, after I got saved, I learned that there was no way I could continue to live with my fiancé.  Even though I had stopped sexual relations, we were sharing an apartment.  Not only was that needed to be addressed immediately, but God began to show me that my fiancé, at the time, was not the right man for me.  I suppose He’d been showing me for years, but once God opens your spiritual eyes, you can really see what He is telling you.  Eventually, God orchestrated some events to assist me in leaving that apartment and relationship (in that order).  Surprisingly though, that was not the part I had the most trouble leaving behind—even though it hurt to discover I would not be marrying the man I spent a lot of time, energy, finances, and effort fighting to get us both to a good place.  The relationship I had most trouble leaving behind was the one I had made with my fiance’s best friend’s girlfriend.  Let's just call her "Cherita" for the sake of this discussion.

Yes, after getting saved, God began to move people out of my life.  Sometimes it was gradual, and sometimes it was a lightning strike that abruptly eradicated a person from my life.  It only got more frequent after I‘d learned to pray, “God if this person isn’t from you, remove them,” because God would do just that.   And each time, I had no choice but to grieve the relationship, from a distance, and let it happen.  However, the relationship I had most trouble letting die was one with my best female friend—the one I had met through my ex-fiance. 

Cherita was the long-time partner of my ex’s best friend.  They were raising four children together.  She’d been through hell and back and was a survivor.  Several years older than me, she seemed like my older sister, rather than just a best friend, even though she often relied heavily on my advice too.  We had so many things in common—dreams, desires to get out of NY, career goals in the arts, and most of all, a desire to see our men get their acts together so they can marry us already!  She was the one I spent hours on the steps talking trash about my ex to, whenever he got on my nerves.  She was the one who knew all my secrets and weaknesses.  And I returned the favor.  I became Goddaughter to her fourth child, her only daughter, and she was my road dawg.  Yes, we had everything in common…

Everything, that is, except Jesus.

One day, I got saved.  But no one else in my circle got saved—not my fiancé at the time, nor his best friend, and not my best friend.  Suddenly it became 3 against 1, as I slowly, but surely, became more and more scarce, often leaving our double dates early to make sure I got up for church Sunday morning; or found myself refraining from that drink or that hit of weed during a party.  Slowly, I stopped hanging out at our favorite restaurants, bars, and lounges altogether.  Not only didn’t I want to “run the city” with my ex-fiance, but I stopped doing it with my best friend too.  She actually took it harder than my ex did.  Needless to say, when our men neglected date nights, and failed to plan romantic outings, in favor of watching a fight or a basketball game together, she was my friend-date, and we would have girls’ night.  We would always have a good time.  And we both loved it.  That is, until one of us didn’t love it so much anymore.  Jesus began to change my desires and with that, the things I enjoyed doing.  I couldn’t stand the dank, dark, loud, pulsing places we practically lived in after work any longer…and my so-called friends could barely stand me any longer.  Every time I did show up, Jesus showed up with me, because I couldn’t get the Savior’s Name, and all He had done, out of my mouth!  

Finally God began to draw us apart, and she was cool with it, because she stopped calling, stopped initiating time to “catch up” or hang out, and stopped visiting.
     Me?  I knew what was happening, but I kept fighting the ending of our friendship.  I        would call and call.  I would invite her over, and even though I did not budge about        going back to the clubs and bars, I tried to invite her to church events, or “clean            fun” such as a gospel concert, or a decent film.  I would invite her to have lunch—          that way I wouldn’t have to have the discussion about not wanting to drink.  And I        tried everything to “keep it clean” and still have a good time.  
     For a while, she just remained aloof, refusing my invitations for "clean" events, but        eventually the door was reopened.  After hashing things out with her, about how she      resented my becoming an "old church lady," we did try to hang for a time.  And I          was determiend to have "clean fun."  But guess what? whenever we did hang, I            found  myself allowing a glass of wine.  Then a curse word would slip out.  Then I          would laugh at the references to fornication and the drama we used to share, then        reminisce with her, actually missing some of the chaos God delivered me out of!           Then I would be missing my sex life, because she is describing her sex life, and I am      celibate, and then, suddenly, the Christian life seemed a lot harder than I thought!  

    Each time God closed the door, I would knock on it again and let this friend back in.      She wasn’t deliberately trying to destroy me, but because she was unsaved and I         was "newborn-saved," darkness kept fighting my slowly-building light.  And each           time, I got close to letting the light die—that is until God came back and closed the       door again.  That relationship finally had to die.  When we do “touch base” it’s hi-           bye, and how are your kids? I miss her, but guess what else?  I’d miss eternity with       Jesus more.  She was the one the enemy wanted to use to slowly cause me to return     to the life I lived; it was so subtle each time that it took months to notice how               spiritually dry I was feeling and how after not drinking for months and months,               suddenly I had to try that wine.   

The Spirit of Pharoah will keep you in bondage in relationships with mates, family, or friends.  Sometimes God desires you to love a person from a distance (such as your brother the drug addict, for example.  He shouldn’t go anywhere!) But there are times when God requires you to let that relationship die in order for you to live!

Keep in mind that this “pharaoh” can represent different things to different people. My example of my relationship to my former best friend, of eight years, was an obvious one.  But pharaoh can show up in any type of relationship that keeps us in bondage, stagnancy, and keeps us in slavery.  It is present in anything or anyone that has us trudging through life under the dictates of “the world, the flesh and the devil” (1 John 2:15-17).

The spirit of pharaoh can also represent a relationship in a business—such as to a business partner or even a superior. Your “pharaoh” can actually be operating in a relationship you have with a dead church system that keeps you so “submissive and loyal” that you have no authority of your own in Jesus’ Name!  Pharaohs may be present in your relationship to a belief system or culture that causes you to believe things that bind you more than release you into the purposes of God—such as the many people in bondage to the witchcraft-based religions and cultures.  Many people in my own family have relationships with ancestral spirits that have kept them enslaved.
As you examine your relationships with people, places, and things, we must always remember that if that relationship prevents you from being obedient to God, it is because the devil—and his strongmen such as the spirit of Pharoah—are having their way and preventing you from having what God desires for you to have.

II.   Ideas, Visions, Dreams, & Schemes

I can list a thousand examples in this area, but I will speak on this because there are many times when I just knew an idea, a thought, a vision (writers are often visionaries!), a plan, or even a get-rich scheme came from God.  I would bang on the door of opportunity—praying, fasting, decreeing the promises in the Word over the thing.  I would have my church family pray and fast.  I would beg and plead.  I would cry and come against Satan.  And what happened?

That plan, that idea, that vision, that dream, or scheme?

It ain’t come from God!

Before I get further, I want to say that having a plan or idea or vision or “quick fix” is not a sin.  God has never said we cannot think, or use the gifts He has given us, to do well.  As a matter of fact, God states that He is willing to cause whatever our plans are to succeed…but that is if we commit them to His hands (Proverbs 16:3)!  God said we can be blessed in everything we put our hands to the plow to do…that is if we choose to be blessed by obeying his commands (Deuterononomy 28:8).  God is even willing to grant us the desires of our hearts…if we delight ourselves in HIM (Psalm 37:4).  So God is clearly willing to grant our desires and bless whatever we do…but not without Him involved.

Is it because God is a tyrant that makes Him want to be at the head of everything we do?  No.  It is for our own protection.  God sees the end from the beginning…as a matter of fact, God is the beginning and the end.  He knows what is coming, and knows what to do about it, before we even know it exists.  Why wouldn’t you want God to be at the head of whatever you do?  God also says He is willing to give us wisdom if we lack it, whenever we ask (James 1:5).

But those plans that we come up with on our own—such as a notion of being a dancer, when God is calling you to full-time ministry; such as moving to another country when God did not ordain you to flee from your current location; or the idea of having a certain family, in a certain way, with a certain man/woman God has already made clear is not His best for you?  Those are not just rooted in the sins based on disobedience.  Those decisions/actions can be traps designed, by the enemy, to keep you in bondage; those "opportunites" could be the devil using the Spirit of Pharaoh in your life to keep you from moving forward in the promise land God has for you. 

Remember, the Spirit of Pharaoh can operate through “anyone” or “anything” that prevents us from being free in the purposes of God, in the here and now--not the past! Also remember, one of the meanings of the name “Pharoah” is “sun.”  Another meaning of that name is “his nakedness.” Pharaoh’s effects and dominance, in the affairs of our lives, scorches and burns us in the wrong way. He strips us bare, leaving us destitute and naked, exposed, and defeated.  He reduces us to slaves in a slime pit—just like the Prodigal Son in the Bible, who found himself in the mud pit of swine, rather than operating under his divine destiny! (Please see Luke 15:11-32).

I was under such bondage when it came to the idea of how I was gonna help God finance my career in full-time writing ministry.  I had this plan, from long ago, of being a psychotherapist.  I would not only use my gift of counseling and solving problems to help others, but be able to make a great living, working for myself in private practice.  While doing so, I was going to have the freedom to write at my own convenience.  Perhaps I would marry the two careers sometimes, allowing my experiences in mental health to inspire my writings.

I held on to this plan and held on.  And yes, God made use of it because He does make all things work together for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).  But the circles and hoops and hurdles and jumps I went through were mostly unnecessary.  Instead of simply trusting God for the “how” as much as for the “what,” I decided I would tell God how He would manifest the answer to this call on my life.  I have spent years going around and around trying to make it happen in my own strength—working as a clinician to earn money, take time off to write, run out of money, stop what I am doing to work again, then go back to writing.  I would feel horrible that I was five months late on a book I should have released already.  It has been this way for three years.  And now, God has shown me that this career I chose was never needed.  And He has said it before…I’ve even shared it with you all in my previous blogs…and STILL went back to the same choice.  All this served to be is a distraction to keep me involved in something for months at a time, instead of allowing the Lord to provide as He built my career in writing ministry His way.  I was afraid of hard times, being broke, being a failure in my Haitian elders’ eyes.  I kept allowing this bondage of working in a career that was not God’s best for me, rather than allowing Him to provide work/income His way while I developed as a Christian entrepreneur.

Truth is, I don’t think God thought it was wrong for me to want to work to earn money.  What I do believe is that God was grieved every time I failed to trust Him or obey His instructions or failed to walk by faith and not by sight.  That doubt and unbelief, that unsurrendered territory, allowed the enemy to make all kinds of trouble during times I attempted to manifest God’s call upon my life in my way.  It is God who must act and will within us to do fulfill His purposes in our lives (Philippians 2:13)…but only when we allow Him to do so.     

It took a long time, but I have been learning that sometimes God will change the plan—for our own good, for the good of others involved, and for His glory.  Sometimes He may change the timing you had in mind, or change the details of how you will travel to a destination.  Sometimes He may change the plan altogether.  The truth is, whenever we choose to do our own thing, we have to handle the consequences.
Since then, after the Lord put me through a very in depth study of the Book of Judges, I’m learning that it’s one thing to want to do God’s work.  It’s a whole other thing to fail to follow the instructions in how to do that work, or when, or where.  No longer can we allow Pharaoh to keep us in bondage to the ways we are used to doing things, out of fear.  Lord knows it had to be that pesky Spirit of Pharaoh that wanted me to remain a Social Worker in New York City!

III.       Refusing to Forgive annnnnnnnd Forget.

Ever heard someone say, “I will forgive, but I won’t forget!”  And you take that because you’re grateful that person is willing to even lay eyes on you, at that point, after all you’ve done to them to disappoint them.  But then, that person continues to hang out with you, and do things for you, and even hugs you when you’re in tears over foolishness, but…

They never forget.

Meaning that they take every opportunity to remind you of the thing you’ve done, or the fact that you ought to be grateful that they “forgave” the thing you’ve done.
Truth is, I am like that.  Without the Holy Spirit checking me, you might hear me say, “You know I had fun taking you out on your birthday…even though you’ve forgotten my birthday every year since we were kids! Humph!” (Tiny Haitian jab).  I might be the person who “forgave” but reminds you of every single time you’ve hurt me, during an argument that has nothing to do with any of that old stuff.

I am not going to lie.  I can be that way.

And you should not lie, either…so can you!

But let me keep the focus on myself and not forget to remove the beam from my own eyes…yeah, I can be that way.  And the devil knows that God requires our forgiveness of others so we can be forgiven.  My flesh knows it too.  That is why the devil worked with my flesh to come against me and hinder my progress.

That is a bondage—that pesky Unforgiveness, that is the child of Pride and Bitterness.  And the Spirit of Pharoah is its nanny!

I used to believe, with all my heart, that I was truly a forgiving person.  I used to say all those prayers saying, “God, as You forgive me, I forgive _________, who had the nerve to….”

But I had to learn that saying, “I will forgive, but I won’t forget!” is a trap.  There is no way to forgive if you don’t try to forget it…to let it go…to let it die.

God Himself states that if we confess our sins, He is willing to forget.  He states that He is the One“…who blots out your transgressions, for [his]own sake, and remembers your sins no more” (Isaiah 43:25). 

You read that?  God of the Universe, the only One who has a right to remember, is the One who is willing to remember our sins no more…He is willing to forget!  Not only will He forget…but He says it is for His own sake.  Hmmm.  I am quite sure that He is giving us a message of how we are supposed to be.  I am also quite sure that He is informing us that forgetting (the past, our issues with others, even our own failures) is for our own sake too!


Remember that spirit, Pharaoh, who is of Satan—God’s enemy—wants us to be enslaved to the bondage in our lives.  Bitterness hinders us from having healthy relationships, from having good health, and from receiving God’s forgiveness.  Mathew 6:14-15 states clearly, “For if you forgive others for their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.  But if you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions.”

The enemies of God know that it goes beyond just not receiving God’s forgiveness.  It is also a way to cause us to stumble in our Christian walk; it is also a way to hinder our prayer life.  When we have unforgiveness in our lives, it allows the enemy the opportunity to breach God’s hedge of protection upon us because our own sins cannot be covered when we don’t forgive.  As a result, we are not walking in the fullness of the authority of God in Christ.

We need to know that Christianity is all about our rising up to exercise the authority that God has given us in Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. The overcoming life (where we live in the authority of God) is not something that “just happens.” It is ours when we have seen the authority of God within us conquer the opposing Pharaohs in or against our life.

One of those ways to conquer the “Pharoahs” is to obey His word—such as letting things go from the past, even if we have to ask the Holy Spirit to help us.  It is an area in my life that continued to plague me—being angry at things people had done or failed to do; saying I had forgiven, but continually bringing it up to throw at them when angry.  Truth is, I needed to let those old hurts die…let the past die—even those aspects in which I had failed and needed to forgive myself.  Once I did that, God began to move.

How to Defeat the Spirit of Pharaoh

So we’ve discussed merely three areas where this Spirit of Pharaoh was oppressing me, keeping me in bondage to the things of my past—even as a Spirit-filled Christian.  Once God provided these revelations, it was time for war!  No sense in knowing your enemy if you ain’t preparing for battle.  

Repeat after me, “My Pharaoh shall die today, in Jesus’ name!”

To defeat your Pharaoh, you must understand that he does not need to be negotiated with.  The only language the spirit of Pharaoh will understand is the language of signs, wonders, fire, and power, demonstrated through us, by the Spirit of God—just like the biblical Pharoah who fought against Moses in Exodus.  The glory of God is the greatest instrument of defeating your Pharaoh. Strive to stay in the presence of the Lord until you are filled with His glory.  In order to walk in the realm that can bring defeat to this spirit, along with all of Satan’s troops, you must engage in spiritual warfare.

Using the prayer resources from the sermon “My Pharoah Must Die,” written by Deliverance Minister, Dr. Daniel Olukoya; “Overcoming Pharaoh Prayers” from The Open Heaven Global Ministries; and scriptural references from the article “Who is Your Pharaoh?” by Rodney Francis, I have engaged in battle that has cast this force out of my life.  

As the scriptures say, “A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil.  For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places (Ephesians 6:10-12).

Below are some prayer points that may assist you.  But please remember this:  If you have not repented and accepted Christ as your Savior, you might as well set up a room in your house for the demons to come and live.  Without Jesus in your life, and His Blood covering you, and His armor protecting you, what will happen is that these demons will leave, go into the arid places, and return with seven more, making the problem worse than ever! (See Matthew 12:45, Luke 11:26). 

Your first step is to just stop it.  Stop acting like you don’t need Jesus.  Repent and ask Him to be Your Savior.  Be filled with the Holy Spirit.  That is God’s armor (see Ephesians 6:13-18).    

So first things first:  If you know, like I know, that we are ALL sinners who can only be saved by the One Savior, Jesus Christ, then pray this prayer out loud (or whisper if you have to):

Father God, I come to You to confess I am a sinner.  I ask for Your forgiveness for every sin I have ever committed against You and others.  I repent of my sins.  I ask for Jesus to be my Lord and Savior.  I believe He died on the Cross for my sins, and rose on the third day.  Please, Jesus, come into my heart. Please cover me and cleanse me with Your Precious Blood.  I ask for You to fill me, right now, with Your Holy Spirit and take control of my life.  In Your Name, I pray.  Thank you.  Amen.

And if you are coming back to Jesus, you can say the words above, and modify where needed, saying instead, “Jesus, please once again be my Lord and Savior.  I rededicate my life to you.”

So you’ve handled the most important business with the Lord—your salvation in Christ.
And NOW! it’s time to battle the Pharaohs in your life.  It’s time to be delivered.  Below are prayers that can assist you. 

Please ask the Holy Spirit to cover you with the Blood of Jesus and anoint you with the Fire of the Spirit.  Ask Him to lead you in this time of prayer and to bind any spirit from coming against you in retaliation with seven more evil spirits. Ask Him to surround you with His angels to protect you. Is that necessary for God to hear you?  No.  Does it help?  Well, it’s helped me.

Say these prayers out loud:

Prayer Points

1.   Father, Thank you for your power to deliver me from stubborn situations and spirits.  Please display your signs and wonder in my life against the spirit of Pharaoh, in Jesus Name.

2.   I cover every single area of my life with the Blood of Jesus, in Jesus Name.

3.   Father, mark my face with the Blood of the Lamb in Jesus Name.

4.   When the enemy will see the blood, they will pass over me in Jesus Name.

5.   Every covenant that established servitude to Pharaoh in my life, be broken by the Blood of Jesus, in Jesus Name.

6.   I declare: from today, my 400 years of captivity is over in Jesus Name.

7.   By the power in the Name and the Blood of Jesus: any wizard, sorcerer, witch, warlock, Satanist, psychic, magician, and shaman working with my Pharaoh, be disgraced by the miracle working power of God in Jesus Name.

8.   Let the power of God swallow Pharaoh's rods of affliction upon my life in Jesus Name.

9.   Affliction of captivity will not arise the second time in my life in Jesus Name. 

10.        As I escape from the land of my Pharaoh, Father, shield me with the Pillar of Cloud by day, and the Pillar of Fire by night, in Jesus Name.

11.        Father, trouble the troops of my Pharaoh, and destroy their instruments of power in Jesus Name.  Let the spirit of Pharaoh operating and oppressing me at night be overthrown by the Pillar of fire in Jesus Name.

12.        The spirit of pharaoh pursuing me by day, be overthrown by the pillar of cloud, in Jesus Name.

13.        I cut off every link between me and the spirit of Pharaoh, in Jesus Name.

14.        Blood of Jesus, remove the Egyptian mentality from my life in Jesus Name.  I declare, I shall not return to any person, place, or thing causing bondage in my life in the Name of Jesus!

15.        Father, clear any red sea situation in my life for me to pass, in Jesus Name.

16.        By the blood of Jesus, I command every curse of captivity in my life to break, in Jesus Name.

17.         I recover my marriage from the hands of Pharaoh, in Jesus Name.  (Also add friendships, family relationships, business relationships, or any relationship that was hindered by oppression).

18.          Father, transfer the riches of the gentiles to me in Jesus Name.

19.            Let the spirit of Pharaoh pursuing me, perish at the red sea, in Jesus Name.

20.          Oh Lord, trouble the spirit of Pharaoh that trouble me in Jesus Name.

21.         Father, overthrow the Egyptian army pursuing me in Jesus Name.

22.         Lord, fill my mouth with Testimony this month, in Jesus Name.

23.        I receive dumbfounding and destiny changing deliverance today, in Jesus Name.

24.        Enemies that have refused to let me go, O God, arise and scatter them, in the name of Jesus.

25.        This very day, I must experience breakthrough in all fronts, in Jesus’ name.

Final Words
This is the day that the Spirit of Pharaoh is being brought down. He has ruled for too long! He has kept us down for too long—causing us to be like dogs, returning to our own vomit.  He has distracted us with things from the past that needed to be put to death a long time ago, therefore robbing us with what God has for us today and tomorrow.  He has robbed us of our Godly inheritance and it’s time for change. Whoever, or whatever, your Pharaoh is, don’t let him continue to distract, confuse, or delay you from your promised land that God has for you any longer.  Don’t allow Satan, and his evil forces, such as the Spirit of Pharaoh, trick you into believing you have no rights to rise up, that you cannot be any different from the ways you have always been. Jesus Christ is our true authority. He lives in the hearts of all true believers and He has told us to use the authority of His All-Powerful name! Even Pharaoh has to bow to the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, as it is genuinely and sincerely exercised by you!

Remember, those “Pharoahs” cannot keep us enslaved because where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (2 Corinthians 3:17).  Not only that, but whom the Son sets free is free indeed (John 8:36).

So tell Pharaoh to let you (and your people, and your destiny) go!

1 comment:

  1. Your revelation about the Pharoah spirit truly confirms why I was in a 2 year(off and on) relationship with a man that I first believed was sent by God. This man was a Naval Officer and minister that I met at work who literally swept me off my feet! We both had been through bad divorces and I had been single for 4 years so I thought God you have brought me my Boaz. After 14 months of dating, I found out that he was also dating another woman for the same amount of time. She was also in the Navy and lived 4 hours away. I was so hurt by the deceit because I never thought that I would ever fall in love again after being with my ex-husband fro 20 years. We both broke up with him. Then 2 months later he came back apologizing saying God dealt with him; he loved and missed me. So I took him back again only to find out that he was back with the other woman. The kicker is that he proposed to her while he continued to date me. I found out a month after they were engaged. Four months passed by and here he comes back again. (I have only been with this man and my ex-husband and deeply loved them both.) I took him back wanting to believe so bad that he was godly sorrowful to bring true repentence and that he let God change him. However, once again I was wrong. They were re-engaged. This time God took the scales from my eyes and I realized that I was being played. As a woman of God, you have to be so careful not to ignore the red flags and tugs from the Holy Spirit. He only is trying to prevent you from being hurt and going down the wrong path. The funny thing is, I was warned about a year before meeting him through a prophetic word. I was told that there was a man coming as if he was the real thing, but he was not. I was warned to keep myself pure before God. I thought this was about the other two guys before the "man of God". The perfect way for the enemy to get you tangled up in sin is to deceive you by giving you what you want in the form of being a messenger of God preaching God's word. I have forgiven him and pray for him to be delivered so that he may quit misrepresenting God and be the man God has called him to be. I have also finally forgiven myself and am back in line with God on my way to fullfill my destiny. I kept taking him back because I now recognize the Pharoah spirit was using him to keep me in bondage.
