It says in 1 Thessalonians 5:11, "So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing."
Ever had that friend that only cares about something if THEY are involved. They rarely ask a question about you, nor do they ever show interest in what you have going on. And when you suck back your own pride and try to include them anyway, or ask for their help, they actually just refuse to participate. And THEN, even if you just want to share your success (that you have acquired without their help) they won't even allow you to share your testimony?
I've been through that...and shucks, I've done it too.
Some of us need to remind ourselves to build up and encourage our family and friends when they are doing good work, experiencing joy, or moving forward --and yes, sometimes without us or even ahead of us. I know it's hard when your own life seems to be a playground for "children of the corn", but it's always a blessing when your loved one/friend is doing well. Even when you can't financially invest, or even physically be present in what they are doing, at least show support--ask questions, express interest, shucks, just cheer them on. I post that 'cause some of us are not "already doing" that...turning everything into competition, or acting as though if it doesn't have to do with what YOU are involved in, it doesn't matter. However, it may matter to that person who thought enough about You to share it with you. I just think folks, including me, need to remember to be there for people in our lives, just as much as you expect them to be there for way or another. Even the Bible says that we reap what we sow (Galatians 6:7). Who knows, even if you couldn't attend, or spend, or even do hands-on labor, just showing some interest might be that little boost a person needs to keep moving forward.